USA tribute

Let us Honor and Remember The Men and Women

Who died fighting for us...

In order to protect....

Our Country,

Our Children,

Our Future,

Our Freedom,

Let us not forget.....For we will remember.

I have a friend who is going to Korea for one year.  
He isn't going on active duty that I know of, but
it is scary nonetheless.  Why does this battle
feel so much more prevalent than Kosovo?
More dangerous than the Cold War?
Scarier than the Middle East?
I think it is because instead of our oil supply
being threatened, or someone else's human rights.
It's us, your neighbor's your brother's, sister's, parent's...
We are being threatened...and more
than with Terrorist attacks.  
They have spawned not just death in
NYC and D.C. on 09-11-01.
Our soldiers are dying,
They have also created fear.
Most of us go on with our daily lives,
I know I do.
But there is suddenly talk of more attacks
on Independence Day...

Stories and letters